You slashed your sword, hurted his arm.
You raised your gun, paralyzed his legs.
You released your arrow and scorned his flesh.
You have your point, you know that you were right.
You called up alliances to help you in the fight.
You spread the word of his betrayal.
And only 'til he surrender will you be triumphant.
But he never did surrender,
He also fought his side.
It made you despise him more
And in your heart, this hatred, you stored.
When the final moment came
You could already feel the victory.
And amidst the raging battlefield
You saw him face to face.
You crunched him.
You punched.
You drew your sword and slashed him
And you didn't care that his red blood's dripping
But what you didn't see
Through his thinning armor.
Was that his tears were flowing
As he saw your anger.
You gave the final blow,
And brought an end to this war.
You raised your hand to the sky
And let out a victorious cry.
But when there was no white flag raised
You wondered why.
You looked around
And saw the result of what you have done.
Anger has clouded your mind.
And you never saw the clear vision.
Until finally when you look down amongst the cadaver flies,
On that blood stained ground, there he lies.
Now you cried and you cried real hard.
Your tears were flowing as you flashback from the past.
And when you knelt down to remove your enemy's helmet,
You now saw the face that you once called friend.
This time you scream and let out an outcry.
Stuck on a life suddenly ended.
You sobbed as you think 'How can I even try?'
For these severed bonds I should just have mended.
Now you walk away from this barren mess.
Guilt started to crawl up, the deepest sorrow you can taste.
You won the fight, yes -
But it was you that the white flag was raised.